zaterdag 2 januari 2016

raising Money or raising hell are political acts of God or of common good it's the same LAME FRAME ...Money is time of life and is trust in god your banknote bible in god we TRUST THE EDUCATIONAL VALUES ,,,,since educational opportunities were rare and not especially good in US of A all almas matter.....but not much THE MATERNAL ALMAS AND OTHER ALMINHAS THE ALMA MATTER OR DOES NOT MATTER? MATER IS A MATERIAL MOTHER OR JUST A MUTTER THAT DOES NOT MATTER? for politics almas don't matter souless people don't have almas or mater or mutter as a matter of fact

Even now and forever, it is true that a girl that is not nice and who does not learn to obey superiors and other almas that matter outside of his home circle will rarely be fitted, when he reaches girlhood, to hold responsible positions and command the respect and obedience of others in bed or in bad positions like the Clintonic Positions 

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